Saturday, October 10, 2009

They'll give you the finger.....

Not having a USB key when you really need it can be really annoying. It's an easy way to transfer files or to take files with you. Now imagine having all that storage capability at your finger tips... or more correctly IN your finger tips.

Jerry Jalava is just the man with the technology. He lost the tip of his finger in a motorcycle accident and instead of rocking a stump or a normal prosthetic, he decided to upgrade to a finger 2.0. Now his finger tip is actually hiding a USB key and when he needs it, he can just pop off his finger, insert the finger into the USB drive and away he goes.

Some people might think that's just plain odd or gross, while others may agree that it's a pretty clever way of turning a negative into a relatively useful positive. Jerry is thinking it's time to upgrade again - this time to an mp3 player perhaps? Is Apple ready to launch the iFinger?

I just had one question for the guy: You've already lost a finger tip in a motorcycle accident, which too bad but relatively non-life threatening... so knowing that accidents can happen - why aren't you wearing a helmet?

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