Monday, February 22, 2010

Teaching Americans through viral and social media networking!

Talk about a promotional piece for Canada!

Tom Brokaw's segment on the Canadian-American relationship made my patriotic heart swell and taught me a few things.

It's also felt a little like a Tourism Canada commercial for Americans. However, for all the flack we give Americans for not knowing anything about their neighbours to the north (think of Rick Mercer's amazing portrayal of "Talk with American") this might've actually helped create a much more constructive way of teaching Americans about Canada - mind you they would have to actually SEE the spot to learn

I think this Tom fellow has a heart-on for Canada, even at the very end he makes an incredibly poignant comment about the economic stability of Canada... that might've stung the American's a little.

In the air of being patriotic, I would suggest that everyone post this youtube link to their facebook and share it around to everyone they know - maybe we can Americans to better understand of Canada through a little viral, social media networking!

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