Monday, April 12, 2010

It is time to clean up Boys!

Recently, there has been a massive push to get men down the grooming isle.

Next time you're in a Shoppers, PharmaPlus, Loblaws, Walmart... etc. Check where the men's bath products are. I'll bet you (a hypothetical) 10 bucks that the men's products are mostly likely at the end of the isle close to the main thoroughfares.

Why? Because men are MEN. They don't buy body wash! They don't smell "pretty" and what the heck is a LOOFA?!

Well.... not so much anymore, maybe.

Take a look at what Axe and Old Spice have done to the men's grooming business... and Dove is taking a shot at it now too.

The emphasis is on still being a man, smelling good and still getting the ladies. Welcome to "Man 2.0" And I think it's working.Men are conscious of how they look and present themselves. They look good, smell good and I like it!

You can clearly see the different age targets at work: Axe: the young blossoming man that is into Sex, Sex, Sex humour; Old Spice the 25 - 40 range guy that likes the more subtle random humour that a bit more sophisticated and Finally the Dove man - the family man. However, the message is always the same BECAUSE YOU ARE A MAN.

I love the Old Spice work (and scent). Talk about taking a old brand and making it relevant and .... awesome.

Old Spice website
The man your man could smell like (my favourite)

I'm a Man

Axe - they've always pushed the boundaries - taking more of a shock value than the kind of humour seen in Old Spice

Balls (this spot makes me awkward)

Dove for Men

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